A Short Second Week

The work this week is already over because of the South African national holiday Women’s day, which is celebrated tomorrow (Thursday). Since the holiday is on a Thursday the schools are closed on Friday too. This week we went to four different schools and donated a total of 40 new laptops. Today we were at […]

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First Week in Hluhluwe

A first week of work in Hluhluwe is done. We arrived Saturday evening to Hluhluwe and on Sunday we went to Hluhluwe town to buy and order some adapters for the laptops. During Monday we did not go to any school, but stayed at Star for Life’s office to look though the computers and organize […]

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Travel Update

Long time no see! Since the last update, we have been really busy with exploring South Africa. We have been to Cape Town, Stellenbosch, Beaufort West, Knysna, Keurboomstrand and Port Elizabeth. Examples of activities we have done are hiking up Table Mountain, watching penguins in Simon’s Town, seeing whales by the coast of Plettenberg Bay, […]

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Landed in Cape Town

We have now arrived in Cape Town, South Africa! We have two weeks of vacation before we head to Hluhluwe to work for three weeks. After 22 hours of traveling and a few hours walking around in Cape Town we are really tired and are now bbqing some hamburgers to have for dinner. The laptops […]

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See You In South Africa

The latest weeks we have been doing the final fixes to the laptops. This included cleaning the laptops and adding stickers from our sponsors Ericsson and Opera. On Monday we started packing the laptops and yesterday they were picked up and they started their journey to South Africa. It is getting closer to our departure […]

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Laptops, Laptops, LAPTOPS!

Last week Göteborg stad came with the rest of their computers and we now have started working with them. This Tuesday we went to Lindholmen to visit Sigma Technology, who is one of the computer donors. It was a very nice meeting with a great view! We are excited to get started with Sigma Technology’ […]

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Ready, Set, Go!

A lot has happened since the last blog post. We have got in touch with sponsors and this year Opera, Ericsson, and the software engineering program will be sponsoring. Also, Göteborg stad Västra Hisingen and Sigma Technology will be donating laptops. We really appreciate all the support we get from our sponsors and donators. Two […]

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CESA 2018

A new year is coming and with that a new CESA, the eleventh in a row. We are very excited about our mission and adventure. We will do out best to keep up the success of CESA. We would like to thank our chairman Samuel Bengmark and the other members from previous years for the […]

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