Today, we were supposed to have a sponsor meeting. Unfortunately, our contact at the company got sick and the meeting is therefore postponed. Instead, we took a team building breakfast at a local cafe. This was very nice and cozy, and a wide range of things were discussed, including Hampus crazy (or rather messy) christmas celebrations, rumors regarding Arnold Schwarzenegger’s visit in Sweden and the fact that Matilda is a real Harry Potter fan and likes to draw. Matilda enjoyed a sandwich with a cup of tea and Hampus ordered the same, except that his cup was filled with coffee instead. It was also decided that the trio will have game night next weekend, which we are all looking forward to.

Well, we actually did some important things too. I (Daniel) and Hampus carried two clumpsy boxes from Hampus apartment to a room at Chalmers. These boxes contained several defect computers from last year, which will be handed back to the City of Gothenburg, as well as duct tape, old accounting papers and other CESA related stuff. One of the boxes was badly shaped, a bit damaged and hard to carry, which resulted in this incident:

I now suddenly realised how meaningless this blog post is, but let’s end it with a fun fact. In the last blog post, we were talking about Hluhluwe (which I never learn how to spell, for some reason). It is actually named after Dalbergia armata, a thorny rope climber, which in Zulu is called umHluhluwe. And now I realise that was not so interesting either. But anyway: wishing you all a nice evening!

One thought to “A boxing match”
you are not given the specif information about the boxing