Hello! Finally we have some good news to tell you – we have gotten a go ahead from the ministry!
We had the final meetings with the ministry in the beginning of the week, where it was decided that we can take the computers to the schools if they have the operating system Windows 7. The ministry is providing licenses, and we are currently reinstalling the computers at NETSS. NETSS stands for National Education Technology Service and Support Centre, and we are supervised by the gentleman Jackson.

Before we left we were warned about, and a little bit excited about, the fact that a lot of unplannable events would come up during our journey. Well, this story is definitely one of those! Since it wasn’t planned we only have nine USB sticks – which is not too fast when there is 200 computers to reinstall. But we’re finally getting technical!! :D

Hopefully, we will bring the first schools their computers tomorrow. That is what we came for, so we are excited.
Too be continued… ;)

2 thoughts to “Got an OK from the ministry!”
Worth waiting for?
Swedish stress meeting with the Namibian one.
Je crois que je vais aller de ce pas acheter un CD de Grand Corps Malade pour savoir ce que je dois faire et j&viruo;aqrsre illico, ma bien aimée, avec la panacée idéale. Sois patiente, tout arrive à qui sait attendre.