We met up at the Landvetter airport in Gothenburg where we headed for our first flight. This was to be the first in a series of three flights for a total of 25 hours. All flights went well even though long. As we approached the Windhoek airport we looked out the window to see the city, but instead we where greeted by vast plains of nothingness. We put our feet on the ground and realized that the airport was in fact quite far form the actual city. When we came to the passport control in the Windhoek airport we where suddenly picked aside to speak to the supervisor. However this was quickly resolved due to our awesome arguing powers.

“We had trouble again with the car rental agency” – Nothing major, so we were soon out driving on the wrong side of the road. The landscape was stunning with large mountains sticking out in the horizon and large flatlands stretching below. Being the first time driving on the left side Oskar did an awesome job, and soon caught up to the driving skills of a pro. Now we have just arrived to our accommodation and are sitting here in amazement that in the past two days two days have passed. For us it rather feels like one really long day.

Now we are eagerly awaiting the coming day when we will finally get to meet the people at star for life!
One thought to “We have arrived!”
Jippi! Wonderfull to read that you have arrived at your accomodation! I hope everything will continue to be resolved due to your awsome arguing skills! I will follow you closely. Good luck!